I have been passionate about video games for as long as I can remember. From the first time I got a Gameboy as a little kid, I was hooked. Ever since then, video games have been a constant hobby, a constant fascination. From Gameboy to GameCube to PlayStation to Xbox, and eventually to building my own gaming PC, they have been ever present in my life.

I have thought for a long time that it would be fun and interesting to build the games that have captivated my attention. One day, I realized that nothing was stopping me from making that dream a reality.

Now, I create games using Unreal Engine and C++. I took C++ courses in college while getting my engineering degree, and found it to be easy to pick the language back up for game development. I use Unreal’s visual scripting system sparingly when it makes the most sense, for things like UI elements, but I do my work predominantly in code. I use Blender to create 3D models and animations for my games.

This blog documents my journey. I talk about what I learn while developing, and how I apply it to my games.